Source code for

# Copyright (c) 2018 Neal Digre.
# This software may be modified and distributed under the terms
# of the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for details.

"""Data providers for Task input function.

This module provides a generic interface for providing data useable
by machine learning algorithms.

A provider may either (1) receive data from the method that initialized
it, or (2) receive a directory path where the data to load is stored.

    * Generator
        * numpy
        * pandas DataFrame

import os
import functools
import abc

import tensorflow as tf

from import ops, preproc

[docs]class DataProvider(object): """Data provider abstract class.""" __metaclass__ = abc.ABCMeta def __init__(self, target_id): """Initializer. Args: target_id (str): Feature to use as the target value. """ self._target_id = target_id
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def make_batch(self, batch_size): """Generator method that returns a new batch with each call. Args: batch_size (int): Number of examples per batch. Returns: dict: Batch features. array_like: Batch targets. """
@property @abc.abstractmethod def format(self): return 'channels_last'
[docs]class TFDataSet(DataProvider): """TensorFlow DataSet provider from TFRecords stored on disk.""" def __init__(self, target_id, data_dir, subset, num_examples, pad_shape, sparse_labels): """Initializer. Extends DataProvider. Args: data_dir (str): Directory containing (sharded) tfrecord files. subset (str): One of {'train', 'dev', 'test'}. num_examples (int): Number of examples in subset. pad_shape (tuple): Shape (height, width) of padded images. """ self.data_dir = data_dir self.subset = subset self.num_examples = num_examples self.pad_shape = pad_shape self.sparse_labels = sparse_labels super(TFDataSet, self).__init__(target_id) channels = tf.Dimension(1) # Converting to grayscale in _preproc self._padding = { "image/data": tf.TensorShape([tf.Dimension(self.pad_shape[0]), tf.Dimension(self.pad_shape[1]), channels]), "image/height": tf.TensorShape([]), "image/width": tf.TensorShape([]), "image/char/count": tf.TensorShape([]), "image/line/count": tf.TensorShape([]), "image/mask/char": tf.TensorShape([ tf.Dimension(self.pad_shape[0]), tf.Dimension(self.pad_shape[1]), 1 ]), "image/mask/line": tf.TensorShape([ tf.Dimension(self.pad_shape[0]), tf.Dimension(self.pad_shape[1]), 1 ]), "image/seq/char/id": tf.TensorShape([None]), "image/seq/char/id_sparse": tf.TensorShape([None]), "image/seq/char/bbox": tf.TensorShape([None, 4]), "image/seq/line/bbox": tf.TensorShape([None, 4]), } @property def format(self): return 'channels_last'
[docs] def make_batch(self, batch_size, single_char=False): filenames = self._get_filenames() dataset = dataset = functools.partial(self._parser, distort=(single_char and self.subset == 'train')), num_parallel_calls=batch_size) if self.subset == 'train': min_q_exs = 0.4 * self.num_examples dataset = dataset.shuffle( buffer_size=int(min_q_exs + 3 * batch_size) ) padded_shapes = tuple([self._padding[k] for k in self.feat_keys]) dataset = dataset.padded_batch(batch_size, padded_shapes=padded_shapes) iterator = dataset.make_one_shot_iterator() batch = iterator.get_next() features = dict(zip(self.feat_keys, batch)) for key, value in features.items(): if 'sparse' in key: features[key] = tf.deserialize_many_sparse(value, dtype=tf.int32) labels = features.pop(self._target_id, None) return features, labels
def _get_filenames(self): if self.subset in ['train', 'dev', 'test']: files = os.listdir(self.data_dir) relevant = [os.path.join(self.data_dir, f) for f in files if self.subset in f] return relevant else: raise ValueError('Invalid data subset "%s"' % self.subset) def _parser(self, serialized, distort=False): tensor_dict = ops.parse_sequence_example(serialized) tensor_dict['image/data'] = self._preproc(tensor_dict['image/data']) (tensor_dict['image/data'], tensor_dict['image/seq/char/bbox'], tensor_dict['image/seq/line/bbox']) = preproc.pad_borders_or_shrink( tensor_dict['image/data'], tensor_dict['image/seq/char/bbox'], tensor_dict['image/seq/line/bbox'], self.pad_shape) if self.sparse_labels: tensor_dict['image/seq/char/id_sparse'] = tf.serialize_sparse( ops.sparsify_label(tensor_dict['image/seq/char/id'], tensor_dict['image/char/count']) ) # if distort: image = distort_image(image) self.feat_keys, features = zip(*tensor_dict.items()) return features def _preproc(self, image): image = preproc.normalize(preproc.convert_to_grayscale(image)) return image